New York City, NY

Proof Points

Track Record

  • 20 years of experience working with a wide variety of clients and industries.
  • Our firm is a team of world-class insight and innovation experts, each of whom has worked as a client, an agency person, or both.
  • We have generated over $1 billion in incremental income for our clients, won 37 awards for creative and marketing excellence, including multiple Best of Show Awards – Addy, Amy, Effie, Clio, as well as the coveted Burke Award for marketing communications excellence from Johnson & Johnson.


  • Our principal, Lori Hamilton, has taught insights at Columbia University’s Master’s Degree Program in Strategic Communications.
  • In addition to our client work, we have been asked to teach insights to global organizations such as Google, Amazon, Samsung, Accenture, MetLife, ConAgra, and more than 10 of the largest marketing and communications firms in the world.

Competitive Edge

  • Passion for and drive to uncover true brand insights that lead to game-changing strategic and creative solutions.
  • Implementation of traditional and unique research methodologies to guarantee the most comprehensive and diverse learnings.
  • Utilization of filmmaking knowledge to create an engaging research narrative that allows for marketing strategy that is as compelling as the creative.
  • Previous client-side experience allowing for as deep an understanding of internal teams as clients/customers.

Global Reach

  • We have worked on projects in 23 countries.
  • Moderation in English and Native Languages.
  • In-home, in-facility, in office.
  • Telephone and in-person.
  • Proven methods for getting the most from native-language moderators.


  • US/Canada.
  • South America (two Spanish speaking moderators on our team).
  • Europe (Multiple countries).
  • China.
  • East Asia (India, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Japan, Thailand, Taiwan).
  • Africa (Kenya, Tanzania).
  • White paper and POV on best practices with overseas work.

To see Lori Hamilton’s short videos about what she’s learned over the years at work, visit her YouTube Playlist for Lori’s Learning Journey