New York City, NY

October Reading and Watching

October Reading and Watching

In a recent newsletter, I wrote about self-care. Now, I’d like to talk about creating a great working environment through TRUE collaboration. Not, “I cc’d you on the email and invited you to the meeting” collaboration,” but rather, the kind of deep collaboration that turns “my project” into our “our achievement.”

Being deeply connected to our peers, colleagues, and employees are always important, especially when we all have to work a little harder to stay connected.

Helpful resources The Art True Collaboration piece…

Habits of Great Managers

Insights on Organizational Behavior – from the real world!

Making things Better by Making Them Worse – a guide to dealing with negative people

Other resources and why I use them

First Break All the Rules – a quantitative study that shows what makes a good workplace (spoiler, it’s the same 10 things around the world). Key motivators are seeing a higher purpose in what you do, having a clear direction on your responsibilities, AND the tools to achieve them, as well as having someone care about your personality at work. A good primer for any leader.

Delivering Happiness – a bird’s eye view on how Zappos created arguably the best customer service culture on the planet.

Quiet – THE best book that was ever written about introverts’ power and value and how to tap into that power with your team. A MUST READ for every leader.

Brené Brown – the authority on courage and vulnerability. Her whip-smart unassailable facts are combined with homespun honest anecdotes that have illuminated key ideas and continue to inspire me.

The Person You Mean to Beorder this now the book is by an excellent team of great thinkers who created this guide to overcome bias and be the person you mean to be at work.

Making things better by making them worse.

Good luck!